Who should take this course?
PADI Course Directors are PADI Master Instructors who have taken the next step and joined an elite group of instructor trainers. Course Directors teach PADI Instructor Development Courses (IDCs) and other instructor-level training, and thus are the scuba diving industry’s most influential leaders and role models. This rating is the highest and most respected professional rating in recreational scuba diving. To become a Course Director you must earn a spot in a Course Director Training Course (CDTC) through a competitive application process that examines your experience and training goals.
PADI Master Instructors who have solid teaching experience and have assisted with several IDCs may be ready to apply. You also need to be an EFR Instructor Trainer, have at least 250 logged dives, have PADI Dive Center or Resort work experience and meet other requirements as listed on the most current CDTC application available for download from the PADI Pros’ Site.
What will you learn?
After your application is approved, you start your training by completing several online presentations, knowledge reviews and a Course Director-level exam on PADI Systems, Standards and Procedures.
The actual CDTC lasts nine days and consists of staff presentations about how to organize and promote instructor development, plus many hands-on workshops in class, confined water and open water with a focus on evaluation training, professional development and counseling techniques.
You may be able to get college credit for the Course Director Training Course.
Next Step
Reach the top and become a PADI Course Director:
Log on to the PADI Pros’ Site and read through CDTC Questions and Answers document, then check out the online presentation about what it takes to become a PADI Course Director and download the CDTC Fact Sheet.
Download a PADI CDTC Application from the Pros’ Site.